Thursday, February 4, 2010


All of a sudden life has taken a little bit of a turn. With the kids slowly moving into school full time an opportunity for me as an adult, ie not just mother, came up and I took it! I am now an employed (part-time) mama. I'm excited for what I'll be doing but nervous for the changes in the family. Knowing that I'll still have plenty of time with the kids has made it a much easier transition for me. And on an up note the kids have learned that I can do other things than laundry, cook, and play trains. Although I think they were a bit surprised when they found out it had nothing at all do with sewing, that I actually had other talents. It's my other love, educating, and so it doesn't get any better than that!

But since my life now needs to be a bit more organized, priorities arranged, etc., etc. I'm sure this blog will suffer slightly. Hopefully not too much because I so enjoy my time sharing what I'm doing, thinking and responding to the people that are so kind to take the time and comment!
On that note I'm hoping I can get to do a little bit of boy sewing this month sponsored by Made By Rae. If you have a boy, or ever tried to sew a gift for a boy, you know how hard it is to actually come up with good sewing projects for them and I'm excited to try all the great ideas already being added to their flickr page! Today's post on cuff pants is one I definitely think needs to be tried sooner or later.
So Happy Thursday and thanks for sticking with me through all these exciting and sometimes scary changes in life!