Tuesday, November 25, 2008


*Warning this post is kind of picture happy, I couldn't resist posting all my new creations. So please indulge me....

I've been doing so much sewing in an effort to build up my shop and develop my knitting needle organizers that I really haven't had any time to just sew fun things. So yesterday I devoted a large portion of the day and evening to doing just that. The outcome was a purse for myself, two skirts for the girls and a knitting organizer for my own needles. Now in case you think I locked my kids in the closet while I was doing all this sewing I did do the majority of it after the kids were in bed and I'll guiltily admit I put a movie on this morning to finish them up. But hey a girl's got to have her "me" time. So I'm very happy with the product and I'm off to sew up a quick pair of pants for the boy of the family, I know he doesn't want to be left out of the sewing goodness!
As a side note I got the ribbon on both of these skirts from Rosa Pomar and I love it and I'm always trying to think of ways to use it. This happened to work perfectly with the Japanese linen I'd gotten on Etsy. I love when things work out that way.
He's wondering where his special garment is.Finally a purse for me, made by me. Perfect.The knitting pouch.This is looking kind of empty. I may need more needles!


edward and lilly said...

Both the skirt and purse are so cute, I love your choice of fabrics.

Leslie said...

Thanks, I ended up making matching skirts for their dolly's which they loved. It definitely made me want to make some more.